
Fall Sports
Peewee Soccer (preK-1st grade)
Boys/Girls CYO Soccer (grades 2-8)
Boys/Girls CYO Golf (grades 4-8)
Winter Sports
Peewee Basketball (preK-2nd grade)
Boys/Girls CYO Basketball (grades 3-8)
Spring Sports
Boys/Girls Volleyball (grades 3-8)
Peewee Track (grades Prek-2)
Boys/Girls CYO Track (grades 3-8)
Students in grades 5-8 are invited to participate in an instrumental band after school hours. The band members learn to read music and play their instrument of choice, and work together to perform in a holiday concert each year.
Brain Bowl
Brain Bowl is an academic team. We have two teams that compete twice a year. This is open to students in grades 6th – 8th grade. We compete against other Catholic Schools at Alter High School. This program helps build teamwork skills while challenging the students with broad topics of questions. The team competes in three rounds: Alphabet round, Theme questions, and then a hodge-podge of questions.
Girls on the Run
Girls on the Run is a non-profit program that works to encourage the development of self-respect and healthy lifestyles in pre-teen girls through dynamic, interactive lessons as well as through running games, all of which culminate in a celebratory 5k run in the spring.
Lunch in the Library
Several times a month, our 4th, 5th and 6th grade students have the opportunity to join Mrs. Cross for Lunch in the Library. Together they read a thought-provoking picture book and reflect on the book and the topics their group feels compelled to discuss. Each gathering is its own unique experience, even with the same book at the center.
Muse Machine
St. Albert the Great School participates in the Muse Machine Adventure Program, which incorporates the arts across all curricula. This program gives students the opportunity to work with guest artists to write, produce, and perform an original show each year. Funding for the Muse Machine Adventure Program is generously made available by the St. Albert the Great PTO.
This is a leadership program for 7th and 8th-grade students run through our ECHO program from the University of Dayton. The students who serve on this leadership board are chosen by their peers. They serve as leaders of the student body. They do community service for the greater Dayton community and work within the school to build relationships among the students.
Power of the Pen
Power of the Pen is dedicated to helping young people find and develop a creative voice that is uniquely their own. 7th and 8th graders can participate in this interscholastic creative writing competition program that features tournaments at the district, regional, and state levels.
Youth Choir
Students in grades 3 and up are invited to participate in the youth choir. The youth choir sings at various school and Sunday masses throughout the year, along with the 3 pm Christmas Children's Mass.