Values, Mission, & Vision

Mission Statement
With Christ as our model, the community of St. Albert the Great Catholic School welcomes and values people of all faiths, cultures, and economic backgrounds.
We establish a firm foundation in Catholic values, personal character, academic excellence, and service to others while developing lifelong learners.
Teaching and Living Catholic Values
Upholding our Catholic faith as the basis for the moral formation of our students
Affirming our belief in the God-given dignity of each person
Embracing the differences among us as an expression of the fullness of the Body of Christ
Academic Excellence
Comprehensive curriculum
Firm foundation with the tools needed to succeed in future endeavors
High standards of performance and accountability
Dedicated and inspired faculty
Building Personal Character
Inspiring students to realize their God-given potential
Engaging our parents, faculty, clergy, coaches, volunteers, and entire faith community in developing the person with high expectations, assurance, and support
Presenting leadership and service opportunities for our students